Saturday, January 16, 2010

Coffee Shop Haiku

Recently I spent an hour and a half hanging out in a coffee shop, waiting for my car to be fixed. To amuse myself, I wrote a few haiku. Hopefully, they'll amuse you too.

I love coffee shops –
Overheard conversations,
Bad art on the walls.

Eggs Benedict sounds
Fancy, tastes great, impresses
Company at brunch.

Recently I've found
Twitter to be addictive.
I think I love it!

Coffee, chai, cocoa
Taste good on a winter's day,
Warm hands and tummy.

Cell phones bug me, yes
They do – every day, in
Public places – ugh!

Talking about spring
Plants makes me feel hopeful on
This January day.

What is better than
This quiet moment, watching
Coffee shop patrons?

How to be happy?
Relax and allow, breathe deep,
Count your blessings. Twice.

Here's a bevy of
Bridesmaids – all they need is a
Beautiful bride.

[Top photo: Coffee shop near Union Square, NYC]
[Bottom photo: Rack of coffee cups, Fish's Eddy, NYC]

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1

First day of the year --
Friend's tears, shared laughter, deep sighs;
And so it begins.